Wednesday 26 February 2014

Interview Preperation for IES,UPSC

Interview preparation - IES

Even though the interview carries 200 marks with no minimum qualifying marks, it is the deciding factor at many times of your being within the services or out of it and in the least matters in which service you get. However since the interview is so personal and variable it is most desirable to do very well in the written mains. But an Interview can make or break you so take your personality development rather seriously and make sure to attend some mock interviews at leading institutes.
UPSC Interview Questions
UPSC Interview questions range from questions about your choice of subject to why you want to join the Engineering services. It is good to answer honestly but at the same time avoid clichés like wanting to do service to the nation etc. Questions on your hobbies are imperative so prepare well as they expect some in depth knowledge on that. Questions relating to your name, your college or school name are also a big possibility. If someone well-know shares one of these names please also prepare on that. Also learn up about important events on the year or date of your birth. As you can see, UPSC Interview questions are mainly from what you have filled in your form including your subject but here it is more a test of logic and presentation and awareness rather than pure subject knowledge. In the UPSC interview many questions are situational like what will you do if a Tsunami strikes your district and you are the DM/Collector/SP. Questions on your choice of service preference also need to be prepared. Current affairs analysis is important too.
Some useful tips for a successful interview at UPSC are:
  1. To have a positive body language
  2. To have a good personal turnout and ensuring the right posture
  3. To answer questions clearly and confidently
  4. Try to remain calm and composed even when faced with provocative questions
  5. Try not getting into long winded explanations and answer to the point.
Things to be avoided at the UPSC Interview
  1. Avoid the expression, 'I am sorry.'
  2. Avoid conversational cliches, like: 'as you know', 'that's correct', 'of course', 'indeed', 'obviously', etc.
  3. Avoid technical jargon. However, if a member continues to probe you in any technical field, you can use technical expressions.
  4. Maintain a cheerful disposition. Now and then you can appear serious; but most of the time keep smiling or look cheerful and composed. One caution here: if the board laughs, you should only smile. It is only when you maintain some amount of distance that the board begins to wonder about the depth of your personality.
  5. Do not give long introductions. Come straight to the heart of the matter.
  6. Show human concern whenever possible in your answers.
  7. You should be logically consistent and analyze things rationally while talking. You are supposed to defend what you say, but with due respect to the views of the board. Stop trying to defend an answer if it becomes difficult to do so logically and fairly.
  8. Do not make hasty or sweeping generalizations.
Tips to improve your performance at the UPSC Interview
  • There are generally 5 members at the board with the Chairperson seated at the center. Enter confidently and greet the Chairperson, who will probably welcome you, and pleasantly nod at other members. Wait till you are asked to sit.
  • Intelligent listing is the mantra, and for this maintaining eye contact is very important. You should not glare but all the same appear attentive and do not glance at other members; it can be very distracting for the interviewer. However if some other member asks you anything, look at that member and answer and turn back to the first - this is what we do in normal attentive listening.
  • Do not fidget or throw your hands around, or shake your head. Less amount of movement does not mean you should sit unnaturally stiff. Your posture should be attentive and relaxed at the same time. Do not crouch/bend forward or place your hands on the table.
  • Cut your answer short to the required patience shown by the member talking to you. They usually like to talk more, so listen carefully and think for a few seconds before you start answering the question. This will show that you are organizing your thoughts in mind before starting to speak.
  • Leave some room for difference in opinion. Do take a stand, but do not look adamant or unwilling to appreciate the board's opinion.
  • Use couple of words from the question while answering any question. It shows you have listened to the question carefully. But at the same time limit the use the technical jargon.
  • Listen very carefully. Come to the central issue of the enquiry immediately. Wild guessing or speculation is a complete no no.
  • Do not start evaluating your performance while still in the interview. Even if you have committed mistakes in the beginning, do not think that you have already lost the game. They are looking for warm, sensitive respectful and attentive youngsters. They know you are good or you would not have come so far.
  • Talk humbly about your achievements and hobbies. You may have mentioned some hobbies in the form without serious background in them, but before the interview it would be useful to pick up some basic info on the hobby.
  • Say less to convey more. Less is more these days as per the minimalist creed. Argue logically and generalize correctly. Do not try to read too much between the lines.
  • Remember, while answering any question, what is easy to see is easy to miss. We often tend to miss the obvious and go for some non-crucial aspect of the subject.
  • Get up to leave only when the chairperson asks you to, not because you think everyone has asked a question. Similarly, even if someone has not asked a question and the chairperson asks you to leave then please leave. Some members do not ask questions at all, due to various reasons like limited time.
  • Before leaving politely thank the chairperson and nod at the others politely. Avoid saying "Have a good day sir". A "Thank you Sir/Madam" is enough.   
  • I wish you all the best.


Interview questions - after GATE

Dear students,
Finally I am publishing the most awaited page!!!
I have collected interview questions from so many students from my previous batches and consolidated as below.
Try to get answers from yourself by referring standard text books, have a group discussion among your friends. Do not directly go to teacher without some home work as you may not get the same questions. I want you to get answer on your own by applying fundamentals so that you can expose more deeper into the subject and you can increase your confidence levels. Cracking these exams is very easy if you have confidence with subject knowledge
All the best. Start prepare and sky is the limit!!!
Do not forget to give feedback
ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING – Interview questions
IIT Kanpur
Power & Control
·         Questions on control circuits & stability issues.
·         Basics of VSI (Voltage source inverter) in details, its wave form for various types of loads, its analysis for different modes of conduction.
·         Devices (power electronic), their characteristics eg. Difference between a signal and power devices, Bundle conductors, corona losses, surge impedance
·         Induction motor T-S characteristics, Synchronous motors and generators, applications of dc motors.
·         They gave different references & inputs to comparator and ask about the output.
·         They asked circuit diagram of buck, buck-boost and various wave forms.
·         They gave some circuit in which there was freewheeling diode and asked about its operation in detail
·         Equivalent diagram of induction motor and significance of different elements in equivalent diagram.
·         On stability analysis (power system)…. They gave a circuit in which a single line to ground fault had occurred. They asked to draw the swing curve, indicate accelerating and decelerating areas, asked how rotor angle is increased physically, what is the physical meaning of accelerating and decelerating areas.
·         Explain Ferranti effect. They asked in very details about Ferranti effect.
·         Why hydro power generators rotate at slower speed than thermal (steam) generators?
·         Questions on load-flow studies & electric drives, from the basics but tricky.
·         One of the Profs drew a circuit of dc-dc converter and asked to identify that. Be very clear about buck, buck-boost, boost converters, inverters.
·         In control system they asked very basic questions of bode plot, nyquist, polar plot and asked to draw them with a given transfer function (not very tough).
·         They’ll first ask your area of interest. Depending on that they’ll ask questions on that field and related fields. Nevertheless, prepare for the whole syllabus.
·         They’ll ask you to answer each question by drawing circuit, writing equations...etc……on the black board.
IIT Delhi
Power Electronics, Electrical Machines & Drives
·         Questions on Induction motor principles & BE/B.Tech project
·         Draw four quadrant chopper circuit without SCR?
·         Why more than six pulse is used in HVDC converters?
·         Torque-slip characteristics of Induction Motor
·         Questions about switching devices for PE circuits
·         How to select switch based on application?
·         V & inverted V curve of SM.
·         Inverters and Devices in much detail, they used to ask the typical rating of the devices.
·         First they asked about B.Tech project in very much details,
·         They asked about linear system, linear equations……then asked whether Swing equation is linear or not and asked each and every question out of it.
·         Asked other very basic questions from transmission line, distribution system etc.
·         If you hold a good GATE score (/rank) and fairly good SGPA, they will primarily focus on your B.Tech project. If it is not the case, they will ask everything you have read in B.Tech (that was the case with one of my friend).
Control & Automation
·         What are advanced controllers?? (they intended to ask about fuzzy and ANN)
·         Comment on stability of a given Nyquist plot.
·         Parameters in root locus
·         Something about bode plot
·         Basic control system & Lead controller
·         Define stability, and stable system
·         What is impulse response?
·         Linear and nonlinear systems, causal and anti-causal systems
·         Different stability criteria
·         Transfer function definition and why initial conditions are zero while defining transfer function
·         Derive the transfer function for DC motor and draw its block diagram. While answering this question, they will mostly observe your approach
IIT Bombay
Microelectronics (RA)
·         Working of NMOS.
·         Some questions on OP-AMP.
·         Questions mostly on B Tech project
Power Electronics & Power Systems (RA)
·         Some Questions in Mathematics.
·         Draw the full bridge rectifier diagram.
·         Explain commutation process.
·         Questions on basic circuit theory.
·         Questions based on operation and speed control of induction motor, transformer OC and SC test.
Control & Computing (RA)
·         Questions were not from the B.Tech syllabus.
·         Majority were on Computer & its peripherals. ( for  a Network Admin in electrical dept)
IIT Madras
Communication Systems (M.S. RA)
·         Basic questions on DFT, DTFT.
·         Purpose of transforms like DFT, DTFT etc.
Power Electronics
·         They will start with basic concepts of Inductor and capacitor.
·         Most of the questions will be on DC-DC converters and their various quadrants of operation.
·         Explain the basic difference between 4-Q chopper and single phase VSI
·         If we give 3-ph AC supply to IM and TF. Rotation magnetic field will not produce in TF but in IM, it will produce. Explain with phasor diagrams
IIT Kharagpur
Power Electronics
·         Draw torque-slip characteristics of IM and locate the normal stable operating point. Now if the two of the supply terminals suddenly reversed, then where it will shift after t=0+
·         Draw the buck converter circuit diagram and derive output voltage equation from energy conversion principles. If resistor is removed and capacitor is ideal, then what is the output voltage
·         Draw separately exciter DC motor circuit. Now, connect the motor in such a way that it should rotate at half the rated speed at no load. Do not touch field winding as it is constant
·         What is the time constant of 1/(s+1) and give any physical example for such system. Obtain the step response and what is the physical meaning of the response plot
·         Draw series RLC circuit and by taking I as reference, draw phasor diagram for VR, VL, VC, Vtotal
IIT Roorkee
    Written exam
        Imp point: No negative marking.
·         Electrical Drives: Questions on constant power and constant torque drives ...e.g they changed the armature voltage and were asking about the dynamics of the machine.
·          Instrumentation:  Questions on Increasing the range of Ammeter/Voltmeter.
·          Questions on Laplace transform.
·         Control Systems: Bode plot , Stability...(easy questions, just refer Nagarath Gopal and Ogatta books of Control Systems).
·         Application of KCL in a circuit containing inductor and/or capacitor.
·         Switching circuits (capacitor and Inductor transient and steady state concepts).
·         Result was a combination of GATE score & the exam conducted.
·         Direct counseling thereafter.
IISc Bangalore
Electrical Communication Engineering [M.S.]
·         Basic questions on mathematics, signals and system, communication and probability theory
·         Only basic fundamentals and no questions from advanced technology. ( Very strict on fundamentals)
·         Panel often asks to explain things in a physical sense rather than putting some equations and solving them.
For example:         Physically how will you interpret the process of convolution?
·         Syllabus of the interview will be clearly mentioned before the interview.
·         There will be some 5 topics mentioned and out of those one has to select 3 topics and questions will be asked from these topics only.
Electrical Engineering
·         Questions on  B Tech project & electronics.

I wish you all the best.


GATE Exam tension

Dear All,
Hope all of you are preparing well for GATE. Recently I am getting some questions from students that they are demotivating and facing lot of stress as exam is near by.
Do not loose your confidence and prepare well with same tempo

Few tips:
  • Make a list of formula and prepare tables from all subjects
  • This is the time for preparing as groups and it will help a lot for interview preparation. Have a healthy discussion.
  • If any one is criticizing you (like you are genius mama....kevvu keka.....), try to avoid them. Tell them all are same that is the reason we are in coaching center. we should sharpen our knowledge here
  • Dont go back to your homes once syllabus is over. Home food will make you more sleepy. If you stay with friends during this time, their tension will make you to prepare more. This is my personal experience
  • Your focus should be only on exam (postpone your external affairs until March 2nd) and always dont forget your years of struggle to attend classes from 6am to 8.30 pm (ooops ..........tortured schedule....I have never attended classes like this...thanks to my god!!!)
  • This is not the time to think about results and specilizations
  • I am there to guide you after GATE results in choosing specializations and in your job hunt
  • Finally believe your will power and keep in mind rankers are not coming from heaven and will come from your bench mates only

Sky is the limit guys.....Be rocking ....All the best